Building sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods through Agroforestry

Rethinking Food Systems, Cultivating Land Stewardship

Our Work

  • Farmer Planting Cocoa Seeds in potting bags in a seedling nursery



    The Cacao Project works with farmers to build climate resiliency and sustainability as an inherent part of their livelihoods, tapping into the agricultural sector as a driver of sustainable development.

  • A Woman participating in our training programme, writing key points in her notebook intently



    We host workshops, Farmer Field Schools, and training programmes, bridging knowledge gaps, capacity-building, and adding value to landscapes management and maximising our resources for economic development of grassroots industries.

  • Regeneration


    Stewardship is an inherent aspect of what we do— and we believe that through responsible production, farmers can be part of the mission to regenerate our landscapes and build models for Climate Resiliency.